v3.2: Planned Deprecations

Hey all! We are getting ready to release version 3.2.

If you are a developer who extends Elementor please review the below changes to keep your plugin up and running.

Here are the planned deprecations:


Functions & Methods

Soft Deprecation

When a function/method is in the soft deprecation phase, it means that the function/method will still work while it’s in this phase, but a comment will be placed in the code mentioning the upcoming deprecation.

Function / Method NameChanges Made


Core Plugin
Replaced by:
Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $post_id )->is_built_with_elementor()

Located in: includes/db.php

Hard deprecation Version: 3.6.0

Deletion version: 4.0.0


When a function/method is on deletion phase, it means that the function/method will not work anymore, and will most likely throw a Fatal Error when it’s called.

Function / Method NameChanges Made

Core Plugin
Replaced by:

Located in: core/base/document.php

Soft deprecation Version: 2.4.0

Hard deprecation Version: 2.8.0


Core Plugin
Replaced by:

Located in: core/base/document.php

Soft deprecation Version: 2.4.0

Hard deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:

Located in:

Soft deprecation Version: 2.4.0

Hard deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Pro Plugin
Replaced by:

Located in: modules/query-control/controls/group-control-posts.php

Soft deprecation Version: 2.4.0

Hard deprecation Version: 2.8.0

CLI Commands

Hard Deprecation

CommandChanges Made
sync_library / sync-library

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
library sync

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
import_library / import-library

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
library import

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0


Functions & Methods

Hard Deprecation

When a function/method is on hard deprecation phase, it means that the function/method will still work while it’s in this phase, but will add a PHP notice if the website WP_DEBUG property is set to true.

Function / Method NameChanges Made


Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/copy' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/copy' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/cut' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/paste' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/duplicate' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/paste-style' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/reset-style' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/create' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/views/base-container.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0


Hard Deprecation

Module / Class NameChanges Made

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.run( 'document/elements/copy' )

Located in: assets/dev/js/editor/elements/views/base.js

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0


Hard Deprecation

Event Name Changes Made

elementor.channels.data -> drag:before:update

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> Before -> 'document/elements/create'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> drag:after:update

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/elements/create'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:before:add

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> Before -> 'document/elements/create'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:after:add

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/elements/create'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:before:remove

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> Before -> 'document/elements/delete'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:after:remove

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/elements/delete'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:before:paste:style

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> Before -> 'document/elements/paste-style'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:after:paste:style

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/elements/paste-style'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:before:reset:style

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> Before -> 'document/elements/reset-style'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> element:after:reset:style

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/elements/reset-style

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> section:before:drop

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> Before -> 'document/elements/create'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> section:after:drop

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/elements/create'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> template:before:insert

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$.run( 'document/import' ) || $e.events -> Before -> 'document/import'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0
elementor.channels.data -> template:after:insert

Core Plugin
Replaced by:
$e.events -> After -> 'document/import'

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0


Hard Deprecation

Var NameChanges Made


Core Plugin
Replaced by:

Located in:

Soft deprecation Version: 2.8.0

Deletion version: 3.6.0


Picture of Shilo Eish Yemini
Shilo Eish Yemini
Shilo is Elementor’s Editor Product Lead. He loves innovative products, pays attention to the small details, and is passionate about solving puzzles.