v2.7.0: Planned Deprecations

Hey all! we are getting ready to release version 2.7.

If you are a developer who extends Elementor please review the below changes to keep your plugin up and running.

Here is the planned deprecations:

Functions & Methods

Hard Deprecation

When a function/method is on hard deprecation phase, it means that the function/method will still work while it’s in this phase, but will add a PHP notice if the website WP_DEBUG property is set to true .

Function / Method NameChanges Made

Core Plugin
Replaced by: Controls_Stack::get_items()
Located in: includes/base/controls-stack.php
In Soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
Deletion version: 3.1.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by: Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $post_id )->convert_to_elementor()
Located in: includes/db.php
In Soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
Deletion version: 3.1.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by:  Plugin::$instance->common->add_template()
Located in: includes/editor.php
In soft deprecation since:2.3.0
Deletion version:3.1.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by: Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'ajax' )->create_nonce()
Located in: includes/editor.php
In soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
Deletion version: 3.1.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by: None
Located in: includes/editor.php
In soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
Deletion version: 3.1.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by: wp_verify_nonce()
Located in: includes/editor.php
In soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
Deletion version: 3.1.0

Core Plugin
Replaced by: Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'ajax' )->verify_request_nonce()
Located in: includes/editor.php
In soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
Deletion version: 3.1.0


When a function/method is on deletion phase, it means that the function/method will not work anymore, and will most likely throw a Fatal Error when it’s called.

Function / Method NameChanges Made

Core Plugin
Replaced by: Controls_Stack::get_init_settings()
Located in: includes/base/controls-stack.php
In soft deprecation since: 2.3.0
In hard deprecation since: 2.3.0

Actions and Filters

Soft Deprecation

Action / FilterChanges Made
elementor/element/post/before_section_start Replaced by: elementor/element/wp-{$post}/before_section_start
Context: $post depends on the document type and can be either page or post
Type: Action (core)
Hard deprecation: 3.1.0
Deletion: 3.5.0
elementor/element/post/after_section_start Replaced by: elementor/element/wp-{$post}/after_section_start
Context: $post depends on the document type and can be either page or post
Type: Action (core)
Hard deprecation: 3.1.0
Deletion: 3.5.0
elementor/element/post/before_section_end Replaced by: elementor/element/wp-{$post}/before_section_end
Context: $post depends on the document type and can be either page or post
Type: Action (core)
Hard deprecation: 3.1.0
Deletion: 3.5.0
elementor/element/post/after_section_end Replaced by: elementor/element/wp-{$post}/after_section_end
Context: $post depends on the document type and can be either page or post
Type: Action (core)
Hard deprecation: 3.1.0
Deletion: 3.5.0

You can download the latest release of Elementor Core from WordPress repository, and the latest release of Elementor Pro from your Elementor dashboard.

If you spot any issues, please log them in detail on Github.


Picture of Shilo Eish Yemini
Shilo Eish Yemini
Shilo is Elementor’s Editor Product Lead. He loves innovative products, pays attention to the small details, and is passionate about solving puzzles.