Under Development
Please note that this feature is in development process, and this documentation is being updated frequently. Be sure you are updated.
The new Routes API (since 2.7.0), provides a simple and convenient way to interact and manipulate Elementor’s panel UI, navigate the editor, as well as open & close many parts of the editor, using JS routes.
The full list of routes, including custom & 3rd routes, is available via:
Change the panel to the main widgets panel:
$e.route( 'panel/elements/categories' );
Pro – Change the panel to the global widgets panel:
$e.route( 'panel/elements/global' );
Element Settings
Works only if an element is in focus/active.
Change panel to the Content tab:
$e.route( 'panel/editor/content' );
Change panel to the Style tab:
$e.route( 'panel/editor/style' );
Change panel to the Advanced tab:
$e.route( 'panel/editor/advanced' );
For sections only: change panel to the Layout tab:
$e.route( 'panel/editor/layout' );
PRO – Global widget only: change panel to the Global screen (edit/unlink buttons):
$e.route( 'panel/editor/global' );
Open the panel side menu:
$e.route( 'panel/menu' );
Go to the Color Picker settings:
$e.route( 'panel/color-picker' );
Go to the Global Colors settings:
$e.route( 'panel/global-colors' );
Go to the Global Style tab:
$e.route( 'panel/general-settings/style' );
Go to the Global Lightbox tab:
$e.route( 'panel/general-settings/lightbox' );
Open the History Actions tab:
$e.route( 'panel/history/actions' );
Open the History Revisions tab:
$e.route( 'panel/history/revisions ' );
Page settings
Open the Page Settings:
$e.route( 'panel/page-settings/settings' );
Open the Page Settings Style tab:
$e.route( 'panel/page-settings/style' );
Open the Page Settings Advanced tab:
$e.route( 'panel/page-settings/advanced' );
The following routes will open the modal if it’s closed. The open and close commands are available in the JS API – Commands page.
Show the pre-designed Pages tab:
$e.route( 'library/templates/pages' );
Show the pre-designed Blocks tab:
$e.route( 'library/templates/blocks' );
Show the My Templates tab:
$e.route( 'library/templates/my-templates' );
Show the Import Template dialog:
$e.route( 'library/import' );
Show the Save Template dialog:
$e.route( 'library/save-template' );
Additional Modals
(For detailed documentation regarding the open/close/toggle commands see the Commands API)
$e.route( 'finder' );
$e.route( 'navigator' );
Shortcuts List
$e.route( 'shortcuts' );