# Update DB

Elementor Core Advanced

In some cases, new Elementor versions perform changes in the database (e.g. migrate to kits, replace schemes with globals etc.). Elementor CLI update db command will trigger the database update functionality using the command line.

# Command

wp elementor update db [--force] [--network]


wp elementor-pro update db [--force] [--network]

# Arguments


(Optional) Force database update even if it looks like an update is in progress.


(Optional) Update the database for each site in the network.

# Usage Examples

wp elementor update db

This command will update the database, if an update is needed.

wp elementor-pro update db

This command will update the Elementor Pro database, if an update is needed.

wp elementor update db --force

This command will update the database even if another process is running.

wp elementor update db --network

This command will update the database for each site in the network.