# Library Sync

Elementor Core Advanced

Elementor holds, locally, a list of available templates that can be downloaded from the Elementor template library. A transient is scheduled to synch the available templates every 12 hours. Elementor CLI library sync command triggers this sync from the cloud using the command line.

# Command

wp elementor library sync [--force] [--network]

# Arguments


(Optional) Force library sync even if it looks like the library is already up to date.


(Optional) Sync library for each site in the network.

# Usage Examples

wp elementor library sync

This command will sync the library with Elementor cloud library.

wp elementor library sync --force

This command will sync the library with the Elementor cloud library even if it appears that the library is already up to date.

wp elementor library sync --network

This command will sync the libraries of each site on the network with the Elementor cloud library.