Elementor 2.7: Background Video in Mobile Mode

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Elementor has enabled adding videos as a background for sections for a long time now. 

In desktop mode, this worked great. In mobile mode, since mobile browsers blocked the autoplay feature for embedded videos, we hid the video backgrounds simply by giving the video container a CSS attribute of display: none.

This worked great, up until a few months ago, when several mobile browsers started to loosen their policy on blocking video autoplay. Unfortunately, this caused hidden videos to auto-play sound. Since we hide the video display itself, this was confusing for Elementor users and especially for mobile visitors of Elementor-based websites that used the background video feature.

Some developers and advanced users took advantage of this policy change in their websites by overriding our display CSS attribute with a display: block value, so their embedded videos are displayed in mobile as well. 

Starting from Elementor 2.7.0, such manipulation on the video container will not work. Due to this policy change by a variety of mobile browsers, we decided to change the way we remove background videos from mobile mode. Instead of simply hiding the video content with display: none, we will be removing the video content completely in mobile devices.

Since we learned that many users want the option to show the background video in mobile as well, we will also add an option (a toggle in the settings panel) to enable showing the background video in mobile mode. However, it is important to note that since not all mobile browsers allow video autoplay, video section background might not work on all mobile devices (in blocking browsers, users will probably see a black screen).


Picture of Ohad Raz
Ohad Raz